When the inspiration struck to compile some of the song lyrics I’d written into a book the message was clear. What was not clear was how to do it. Ultimately, the process was far simpler than I would have believed. Taking the single most exciting step available to advance the project allowed the next steps to reveal themselves in ways beyond what my logic or ability could afford. By focusing completely in the present moment, things fell into place with greater precision than I could ever plan.
The initial vision was a catalyst sparking the actions necessary for the natural evolution of the book. It was a continually unfolding improvisational process that allowed the completion of this work. The songs in this book span four decades, the lyrics mark the road I’ve traveled and what I’ve seen along the way. It has been my absolute pleasure to have a front-row seat in the creation of this book. If it offers a departure point into your own personal insights, the circle is complete!
The Past and Future are always Present in this single moment of Now.